Donnerstag, 30. April 2015

Gossip Girl Lovestory

Süße Worte rund um die Serie. Mit ikonischen Sprüchen von Blair.

Of course I love you, Chuck Bass. I have always loved you. I love you more and more everyday.

Do you like me?
Define like.

Don't let anyone tell you you are not powerful, you are the most powerful woman I know.

Most of all, I am sorry I gave up on us when you never did.

You should find someone who is going to to love you, too.
I have. She is standing right in front of me.

Are you ok?
Now I am.

I have you, thats all I need.

The great loves are the crazy ones.

I don't want to be Chuck Bass anymore. I hurt anything I have. I would rather have nothing than be Chuck Bass.

The shit you hear about me might be true, but then again, it might be as fake as the bitch who told you.

Your world would be easier if I didn't come back.
That's true. But it wouldn't be my world without you in it.

Thinking that I really lost you, made me regret every horrible thing I ever said to you.

Real love. Pure and simple love.
You'd be bored within five minutes.
Better bored than ashamed of myself.

If two people are meant to be together eventually they will find their way back.

Three words, eight letters, say it and I am yours.

Fütter die Masse, iss mit der Klasse.

Euer Los ist nicht zu fragen, euer Los ist Last zu tragen.

If men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how the settle for catfish.

In the face of true love, you don't give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to. Cause you don't give up on people you love.

I am Chuck Bass, the love of her life. Anyone else is just a waste of time.

You still love her, huh?
I can't imagine the day I won't.

You are always there for people you love, even if they don't deserve it.

Blair, ein Leben mit dir ist nie langweilig.

Life with you could never be boring.

I am sorry for the pain I caused you in. And I am sorry I can't take it back, but I wanna try and make it up to you. Even if it takes me the rest of my life.

You said I always bet against you. But this time, I am all in.

So the next time you forget you are Blair Waldorf. Remember I am Chuck Bass and I love you.

You are strong. You carry people. You carry me.

Whoever said, money doesn't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.

Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.

I want to be happy but I think I don't know how to anymore.

You are Chuck Bass.
I am not Chuck Bass without you.

Du bist nur ein Teufel, der das Licht sucht. Ich ein Engel, der gerne mit dem Feuer spielt. Lass uns zusammen in Flammen aufgehen.

Cinderella did not google Prince Charming.

I am not a stop along the way.
I am destination.

Oh I can't believe Blair won.
Yeah, who voted for her?
Me, about 150 times.

Chuck, why did you just do that?
Because I love her ... and I can't make her happy.

I feel dead inside without him.

I love you, Dan. Alwayd had, always will.

All you have to do is to say this three magic words.

I couldn't see my phone to dial 911. I still have you on speed dial. I just had to push down the one.
The one, huh?

It wouldn't be my world without you in it. Everything is horrible, my world is falling apart.
So rebuild it. You are a Waldorf, remember? People don't tell you who you are, you tell them. Say and fight. I will fight with you.

Be a Boss, date a Boss, build an Empire.

I am the best of the best, I am Blair Waldorf.

You should be with me. Cause I am going to love your baby as much as I love you.

Sometimes a Queen has to make a choice.
A castle with a white knight.
Or a quest with a dark prince.

It's just us. You and me.

You are all I ever wanted. I love you. I love every part of you.

Every voice in my head screamed 'don't', but I didn't listen. I allowed my heart because I love you.

Are you upset because you kissed a guy?
I am obsessed I kissed somebody that wasn't you.

And I would choose you, in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I would find you and I would choose you.

I love you. Because it was always you.

Maybe I am total bitch. Did you ever think about this?

I love you B.

Not everyone wants to be Blair Waldorf.
Not everyone can be.

If it's real, we'll figure it out. All of us. But if it's not, then please Chuck, let me go.

You are special enough on your own. You don't need some group to tell you are.

You told me, you loved me. I know it was true.
It is. Of course I love you, Chuck. I've always loved you. I love you more and more everyday, if it's even possible to love someone that much.
Then get out of here with me right now. We can go anywhere, just as long as we are together.

I am not here to apologize for what happened tonight. Everything else, I am sorry for losing my temper the night you told me Louis proposed to you. I am sorry for not waiting longer at the Empire State Building. I am sorry for treating you like property. I am sorry for I didn't tell you I loved you when I knew I did. Most of all, I am sorry I gave up on us when you never did.

I did the most dangerous thing when I said to you I love you.

You. You are all I ever wanted. I love you. I love every part of you. You are the one I never want to leave.

You and I loved each other. And then you broke my heart.

Who am I? That's a secret I never tell. You know you love me. xoxo Gossip Girl

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